August 11, 2022

Dental SEO Guide: Increase Rankings and Get Patients in 2023

What is dental SEO? Does SEO work for dentists? Can it help to drive more patients into the practice? Can it help to educate patients before they arrive? Can it create more loyal customers that return?

It's not uncommon for dentists to ask these questions. Search Engine Optimization is the process of moving a website higher in search result rankings. Here's the reality behind SEO, it's highly effective.

When you're looking for a new service, where do you search? Typically, you'll look on Google, Yahoo!, Bing, or another search engine.

You might look through the reviews, see what services are offered, see where the location of the business might be, then make your decision. This is the process for many of your patients.

dental seo

What is SEO for dental practices?

It's the process of optimizing your website to match the search engine criteria so that you appear higher in search results when someone searches for dental services in your area. It's a way to get your website seen by more people looking for dental services like yours.

It can be challenging to do this on your own, which is why we've put together this guide. In it, we'll show you how to optimize your website for dental SEO and attract more patients to your practice.

Looking for help? Learn who the best dental SEO experts are.

Why is dental search engine optimization important for dentists?

SEO is important for dentists because it can help to:

  • Drive more traffic to your website.
  • Educate patients before they arrive.
  • Create loyalty and repeat customers.
  • Help you be found by new patients searching for dental services online.

While SEO may seem like a daunting task, it's not that difficult to get started. This guide will show you how to optimize your website for dental SEO and attract more patients to your practice.

dental marketing website

What are the benefits of dental SEO?

Some of the benefits of dental SEO include:

  • More website visitors: By optimizing your website for search engines, you can increase the number of people who see your website.
  • Educated patients: When you appear higher in search results, you have the opportunity to educate patients about your services before they even visit your practice.
  • Loyalty and repeat customers: By providing a great experience and appearing higher in search results, you can create loyalty and encourage patients to return for future services.
  • New patients: One of the best benefits of dental SEO is that it can help you attract new patients who are looking for dental services in your area.

Why does SEO help to build trust?

Search Engine Optimization can help to build trust with potential patients because it allows you to show up higher in search results. When patients see that you appear higher in search results, they'll be more likely to trust your practice.

In addition, by optimizing your website for SEO, you have the opportunity to provide potential patients with more information about your practice and what you offer. This can help build trust and confidence in your practice before they visit.

dental marketing website

Why does SEO drive more visitors to your website?

Search Engine Optimization is designed to increase your visibility in search results. When you appear higher in search results, potential patients are more likely to get clicked on.

How does SEO help educate patients?

When you show up higher in search results, you have the opportunity to educate patients about your services before they even visit your practice. Optimizing your website for SEO can include information about your services, your practice, and what sets you apart from other practices in your area.

This can help patients make an informed decision about their dental care and choose a practice they feel confident about.

How does SEO create loyalty and repeat customers?

By providing a great experience and appearing higher in search results, you can create loyalty and encourage patients to return for future services. When patients have a positive experience with your practice, they're more likely to come back for future services and recommend you to their friends and family.

Why does SEO help drive more customers to your practice?

One of the best benefits of dental SEO is that it can help you attract new patients who are looking for dental services in your area. Optimizing your website for dental SEO can increase your visibility in search results and reach more potential patients.

increasing dental practice rankings on the google maps results

What is the average investment cost for getting local SEO started?

The average investment cost for getting local SEO started can vary depending on the size of your practice and the services you need. However, most dental practices can expect to spend between $500 and $3,000 per month on dental SEO services.

What is the average ROI that a dentist could see from dental SEO marketing?

The average ROI that a dentist could see from dental SEO marketing can vary depending on the size of your practice and the services you need. However, most dental practices expect a return of 3-5 times their investment.

How can I calculate my ROI based on average patient value?

You can calculate your ROI based on average patient value by multiplying the number of new patients you attract with dental SEO by the average patient value.

For example, if you attract 10 new patients with dental SEO and your average patient value is $1,000, your ROI would be $10,000. Typically, your patient value would be average from $430 to $740.

What factors do search engines look at when ranking a dental website?

Search engines look at a variety of factors when ranking a dental website. These include the quality of your content, the relevance of your keywords, the number of backlinks to your site, and more.

reviews help to drive dental search engine rankings organically

On-site SEO ranking factors:

  • The quality of your content
  • The relevance of your keywords
  • The number of backlinks to your site
  • Your website's loading speed
  • Your website's mobile-friendliness

Off-site SEO ranking factors:

  • The number of backlinks to your site from other websites
  • The quality of the websites linking to your site
  • The anchor text of the backlinks to your site
  • The social signals pointing to your site (shares, likes, etc.)

What are some common dental SEO mistakes?

Some common dental SEO mistakes include:

  • Not optimizing your website for mobile devices
  • Not using the right keywords
  • Not creating enough content
  • Not promoting your content
  • Not building backlinks

What are some common misconceptions about dental SEO?

Some common misconceptions about dental SEO include:

  • You need to spend a lot of money on dental SEO services
  • You need to be an expert in SEO to get results
  • Dental SEO is a quick fix for your marketing problems
  • You need to update your website for dental SEO constantly
  • SEO is only about keywords

Dental search engine marketing strategies

A few dental search engine marketing strategies can help you attract more patients to your practice.

1. Optimizing your website for the right keywords

2. Creating informative and keyword-rich content

3. Building high-quality backlinks to your site

4. Promoting your content through social media and other channels

5. Tracking your results and making changes as needed

How can I optimize my dental practice's website for the right on-page SEO keywords?

You can take a few steps to optimize your dental practice's website for the right on-page SEO keywords.

1. Do keyword research to find the right keywords for your website.

2. Add those keywords to your website's content, titles, and tags.

3. Make sure your website is well-organized and easy to navigate.

4. Use social media and other channels to promote your content.

5. Track your results and make changes as needed.

Which keywords should I be adding to a dental marketing site?

A few factors to consider when adding keywords to your dental marketing site.

1. The relevance of the keyword to your website's content

2. The competition for that keyword

3. The search volume for that keyword

4. Your budget for keyword optimization

5. Your goals for your dental marketing campaign

Some relevant keywords for a dental marketing site might include "dental marketing," "dental SEO," "dental website design," and "dental social media."

How can I improve my dental website's loading speed?

There are a few ways to improve your dental website's loading speed.

1. Optimize your images for the web.

2. Minimize the use of plugins and external scripts.

3. Use a caching plugin.

4. Optimize your website's code.

5. Upgrade to a faster web host.

How can I build high-quality backlinks to my dental practice website?

There are a few ways to build high-quality backlinks to your dental practice website.

1. Publish informative and keyword-rich content on your website.

2. Submit your website to relevant directories and other online listings.

3. Reach out to other websites in your niche and ask for links.

4. Guest blog on other websites in your niche.

5. Participate in online forums and leave links to your website in your signature.

6. Sponsor a contest or event related to your niche.

7. Give away freebies on your website (with links back to your site).

8. Make sure your website is well-designed and easy to navigate.

9. Offer useful and valuable information on your website.

10. Keep your website updated with fresh content.

What are content ideas I can use for my dental SEO efforts?

Some content ideas for your dental SEO efforts might include:

1. Blog Posts

2. Case Studies

3. Patient Testimonials

4. FAQs

5. How-To Guides

6. Images and Videos

7. Infographics

8. Whitepapers

9. E-Books

10. Checklists

11. Cheat Sheets

12. Resource Lists

13. Templates

14. Toolkits

15. Webinars

16. Podcasts

17. Slideshows

18. Newsletters

19. E-Courses

20. Free Downloads

What are blog post titles I can use for my dental practice?

Some blog post ideas for your dental practice might include:

1. 5 Tips for Choosing the Right Dentist

2. The Benefits of Dental Implants

3. How to Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

4. The Importance of Regular Dental Checkups

5. 10 Tips for Whitening Your Teeth at Home

6. How to Choose the Right Toothpaste for Your Family

7. The Benefits of Flossing Daily

8. How to Prevent Cavities in Children

9. 10 Foods That Are Good for Your Teeth

10. 5 Signs You May Need a Root Canal

11. The Truth About Mouthwash

12. How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

13. The Pros and Cons of Braces

14. How to Find a Dentist You Can Trust

15. 5 Tips for Getting Over Your Fear of the Dentist

16. The Cost of Dental Treatments: What You Need to Know

17. Dental Insurance: What You Need to Know

18. How to Choose the Right Dental Plan for Your Family

19. 5 Myths About Dentists Debunked

20. 10 Questions to Ask Your Dentist Before Treatment

What are the benefits of using content marketing to get dental patients?

Some benefits of using content marketing to get dental patients might include:

1. Content marketing can help you attract new patients to your practice.

2. Content marketing can help you build trust and credibility with potential patients.

3. Content marketing can help you educate potential patients about your services.

4. Content marketing can help you differentiate your practice from your competitors.

5. Content marketing can help you build relationships with potential patients.

6. Content marketing can help you generate leads for your practice.

7. Content marketing can help you convert leads into patients.

8. Content marketing can help you retain patients and grow your practice.

9. Content marketing is a cost-effective way to market your dental practice.

How can I tell if my dentist SEO tactics are working for my dental practice?

Some ways to tell if your dentist SEO tactics are working might include:

1. You’re getting more traffic to your website.

2. You’re seeing an increase in patients inquiring about your services.

3. You’re getting more new patients scheduling appointments with your practice.

4. Your patient retention rate is increasing.

5. You’re seeing a decrease in your marketing costs.

6. You’re getting more positive online reviews and ratings.

7. Your social media following is growing.

8. You’re seeing an increase in the number of leads you’re generating for your practice.

What tools can I use to measure the success of my SEO work?

There are several tools you can use to measure the success of your SEO work, including:

1. Google Analytics – This free tool from Google can help you track your website traffic, see where your visitors are coming from, and track your conversion rate.

2. Moz – This paid tool offers several features to help you track your SEO progress, including keyword rankings and link building.

3. SEMrush – This paid tool offers several features to help you track your SEO progress, including keyword rankings, competitor analysis, and backlink analysis.

4. HubSpot – This paid tool offers several features to help you track your SEO progress, including website traffic, leads, and conversion rates.

5. Hootsuite Insights – This paid tool offers several features to help you track your SEO progress, including social media engagement and website traffic.

dental website search engine results - highlighting specific services offered

How can I get my local business listed higher in Google Maps?

There are a few things you can do to help your local business get listed higher in Google Maps, including:

1. Make sure your business is listed on Google My Business.

2. Make sure your business information is accurate and up-to-date.

3. Encourage customers to leave reviews for your business on Google.

4. Make sure your website is optimized for local SEO.

5. Use relevant keywords in your business listing.

6. Add photos and videos to your Google My Business listing.

7. Stay active on Google Maps by regularly adding new content.

8. Claim your business on other directories and review sites.

9. Monitor your Google Maps listing for fake reviews and remove them promptly.

10. Promote your Google Maps listing on your website and social media channels.

Why is the Google Map pack important for dental practice owners to pay attention to?

The Google Map pack is important for dental practice owners to pay attention to because it can help them attract new patients and grow their businesses.

The Map pack includes three local businesses relevant to the user’s search query, giving the user the option to view the business’ website, contact information, or directions.

A strong presence in the Map pack can help increase your website traffic and generate new leads for your dental practice.

How can I optimize my dental practice website for more form submissions and consultation request phone calls?

There are a few things you can do to help optimize your dental practice website for more form submissions and phone calls, including:

1. Include a strong call-to-action on your website.

2. Make sure your forms are short and easy to fill out.

3. Use engaging visuals on your website.

4. Use relevant keywords on your website.

5. Optimize your website for mobile devices.

6. Make sure your website loads quickly.

7. Use social proof on your website.

8. Provide a strong value proposition on your website.

9. Include testimonials and reviews on your website.

10. Make it easy for visitors to contact you.

Which services should I be highlighting on my dental office website?

Some of the services you may want to highlight on your dental office website include:

1. General Dentistry

2. Cosmetic Dentistry

3. Invisalign

4. Professional Teeth Whitening

5. Dental Implants

6. Veneers

7. Emergency Dentistry

8. Sedation Dentistry

9. Oral Surgery

10. Orthodontics

These dental search terms typically come with a "near me" search in Google. When a consumer searches those terms, the search engine results pages will list Google Maps, reviews, business location, the website, and phone number to call.

This is why it's critical to consider a holistic digital marketing strategy when trying to increase your website rankings.

Common FAQs

Common questions from a dental practice owner.

When should I seek the help of a dental SEO company?

The answer to this question may vary depending on the needs of your dental practice, but in general, you should seek the help of a dental SEO company when:

1. You're not happy with your current website traffic or rankings.

2. You don't have the time or resources to invest in SEO yourself.

3. You want to focus on other areas of your business and leave SEO to the experts.

4. You do not see the results you want from your current SEO efforts.

5. You want to ensure your website is optimized for voice search.

6. You want to target specific dental procedures or services with your SEO campaign.

7. You want to improve your local SEO rankings.

8. You're launching a new website and want to ensure it's optimized for SEO.

9. You're unsure where to start with your dental SEO strategy.

10. You want to talk to an expert about your dental SEO needs.

Can any digital agency perform dental SEO?

No, not all digital agencies are equipped to perform dental SEO. When looking for a dental SEO company, you should look for one that specializes in dental SEO and has a proven track record of helping dental practices improve their website rankings and grow their businesses.

What's the difference between local SEO and organic SEO?

Local SEO is an optimization strategy focused on helping your dental practice rank in local search results. In contrast, organic SEO is an optimization strategy focused on helping your dental practice rank in organic (non-local) search results.

What's the difference between on-page SEO and off-page SEO?

On-page SEO refers to the optimization strategies you can use on your website to improve your website's ranking in search results. In contrast, off-page SEO refers to the optimization strategies you can use outside of your website to improve your website's ranking in search results.

Which is more effective, organic Google search results or Google Ads?

Organic Google search results are more effective than Google Ads because consumers trust them more and click-through rates are higher.

What are some related keywords I should be using on my dental websites?

Some related keywords you may want to use on your dental website include:

1. Dentist

2. Dental Office

3. Cosmetic Dentistry

4. Family Dentistry

5. Preventative Dentistry

6. Restorative Dentistry

7. Sedation Dentistry

8. Emergency Dentistry

9. Oral Surgery

10. Orthodontics

Every dental business should have pages that speak to each of these services. They should coincide with your entire online marketing strategy. And on each page, should have a form to capture new dental patients' information (phone number, name, and email).

What other search engines will bring me new customers?

Other search engines that may bring you new customers include:

1. Google Maps

2. Yelp

3. Facebook

4. Angie's List

5. Healthgrades

6. Vitals

7. Zocdoc

By being active and engaging on these platforms, you can improve your chances of being found by new potential customers.

What's the best way to get started with dental SEO?

The best way to get started with dental SEO is to contact a reputable and experienced dental SEO company. They will be able to assess your needs and create a customized dental SEO plan for your practice.

Is there such a thing as "dental SEO experts?"

There are dental SEO experts out there! These are people who specialize in optimizing dental websites for search engines. They will be able to help you improve your website's ranking in search results and grow your dental practice.

Generally, professional SEO services will be able to help to get more visitors to your dental site. Although, how many patients they can drive from local searches will determine how much skill they have as an agency.

Dental SEO Guide: Increase Rankings and Get Patients in 2023

Written by Joshua Davis
VP of Platform

August 24, 2023

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