August 8, 2022

Best Enterprise SaaS SEO Guide: Strategy, Tips, Execution (2023)

What is enterprise SaaS SEO? What makes an enterprise SEO approach different from a regular SaaS SEO campaign?

A SaaS SEO strategy can greatly influence revenue for any software business.

Think about G2, a company that provides world-class reviews for software businesses. G2 operates nearly entirely on SEO.

Why is SaaS SEO impactful?

From a high level:

  • SEO drives 1200% more traffic than any other channel.
  • 72% of online experiences begin from a search through Google.

What is enterprise SaaS SEO?

Enterprise SaaS SEO is a term for the SEO tactics used to grow an enterprise software as a service business. The focus is on growing organic traffic from search engines like Google, and the strategies are usually more complex than those for a regular SaaS business.

enterprise saas seo strategies
Betterteam illustrates how to use enterprise SaaS seo to build customers

Why does enterprise SaaS SEO matter?

Growing an enterprise software business is incredibly difficult and complex. There are many moving parts, and each must be carefully managed for the business to succeed. Search engine optimization is one of the most important aspects of any enterprise software business because it can directly impact revenue.

What is an enterprise SaaS SEO strategy?

An enterprise SaaS SEO strategy is a plan to increase your software business's visibility and organic search traffic. This can be done through optimizing your website, content marketing, link building, and other digital marketing initiatives.

How does an enterprise SEO strategy differ from a normal search engine optimization strategy?

An enterprise SEO strategy differs from a regular SEO campaign in a few key ways.

First, enterprise software businesses usually have large budgets, so they can afford to invest in more complex and expensive SEO tactics. Second, they tend to be more competitive than other businesses, so their strategies must be more sophisticated. Finally, enterprise software businesses usually have a global reach, so the SEO strategy must be designed.

enterprise seo strategy betterteam
Betterteam brings in customers through their help articles

What makes an enterprise SEO approach different from a regular SaaS SEO campaign?

There are a few key things that make an enterprise SEO strategy different from a regular SaaS SEO campaign:

1. The focus is on long-term growth: An enterprise SEO strategy is built for the long term, with an eye toward sustainable growth. This means that the tactics used aim to increase your visibility in the search engines over time rather than simply getting a quick boost in traffic.

2. It’s tailored to your specific business: An enterprise SEO strategy is tailored to the unique needs of your software business. This includes considering factors like your target market, business model, and goals.

3. It’s adaptable: An enterprise SEO strategy adapts to changes in the market and your business. This means it can be modified to keep you ahead of the competition and achieve your goals.

4. It’s comprehensive: An enterprise SEO strategy is comprehensive, covering all aspects of search engine optimization. This includes on-page optimization, off-page optimization, and technical SEO.

5. It’s data-driven: An enterprise SEO strategy is data-driven, meaning that it relies on data to guide decision-making. This ensures that your efforts are focused on the areas that will impact your business most.

SaaS SEO is a complex and ever-changing field, but an enterprise SEO strategy can give you the guidance you need to navigate it successfully. By focusing on long-term growth, tailoring your strategy to your specific business, and being adaptable and data-driven, you can set your software business up for success.

How to perform enterprise SaaS SEO

Now that we’ve answered the question, “What is enterprise SaaS SEO?” it’s time to dive into how to do it.

Here are 9 essential tips for performing enterprise SaaS SEO:

1. Understand your target market

2. Define your business model

3. Set SEO goals

4. Do your keyword research

5. Optimize your website

6. Publish high-quality content

7. Build links

8. Monitor your progress

9. Adjust your strategy as needed

1. Understand your target market

The first step in any enterprise SaaS SEO strategy is understanding your target market. This includes understanding their needs, pain points, and how they search for solutions.

2. Define your business model

The next step is to define your business model. This means understanding how your enterprise software business makes money and your value proposition.

3. Set SEO goals

After you’ve defined your target market and business model, it’s time to set SEO goals. These should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

4. Do your keyword research

Keyword research is essential for any enterprise SaaS SEO strategy. This involves finding the right keywords to target that will bring organic traffic to your website.

5. Optimize your website

The next step is to optimize your website for the keywords you’ve targeted. This includes optimizing your titles, meta tags, and on-page content.

6. Publish high-quality content

Content marketing is a key part of any enterprise SEO strategy. This involves publishing high-quality, keyword-optimized content on your website.

7. Build links

Link building is another essential part of enterprise SEO. This involves getting other websites to link to your website, which helps improve your search engine ranking.

8. Monitor your progress

Monitoring your progress as you implement your enterprise SEO strategy is important. This includes tracking your organic traffic, keyword rankings, and conversion rate.

9. Adjust your strategy as needed

Finally, adjusting your strategy as needed is important based on your results. This may involve changes to your target keywords, website optimization, or content marketing strategy.

Implementing an enterprise SEO strategy can be complex, but it’s essential for any software business that wants to succeed in the long term. Following these 9 tips can set your enterprise software business up for success.

enterprise seo strategy betterteam

How to create SEO user personas for enterprise SEO

One important step in performing enterprise SEO is creating SEO user personas. These are fictional characters that represent your target market. They help you understand how your target market thinks, feels, and behaves when they search for solutions online.

Creating SEO user personas can help you tailor your enterprise SEO strategy to your target market. It can also help you create more relevant and targeted content. Here’s how to create SEO user personas for your enterprise software business:

1. Define your target market

The first step is to define your target market. This includes understanding their needs, pain points, and how they search for solutions.

2. Create fictional characters

Next, you’ll need to create fictional characters representing your target market. These should be based on your research and understanding of your target market.

3. Give your personas names and backgrounds

Once you have your fictional characters, you’ll need to give them names and backgrounds. This helps make them more relatable and easier to remember.

4. Determine their needs and pain points

It’s important to understand the needs and pain points of your personas. This helps you create relevant content targeted to their specific needs.

5. Understand their search behavior

Another important aspect to consider is the search behavior of your personas. This includes understanding how they search for solutions and what keywords they use.

6. Create a buyer’s journey

The final step is to create a buyer’s journey for your personas. This helps you understand their steps as they move from awareness to purchase.

enterprise seo strategy
Ultimately, the content all leads to a place of conversion for their enterprise SaaS product

How to perform keyword research for enterprise SaaS SEO

Keyword research is essential for any enterprise SaaS SEO strategy. This involves finding the right keywords to target that will bring organic traffic to your website.

There are several different methods you can use to perform keyword research. Here are some tips on how to find the right keywords for your enterprise software business:

1. Identify your target market

The first step is to identify your target market. This includes understanding their needs and pain points.

2. Use keyword research tools

Several different keyword research tools are available, such as Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush. These can help you find the right keywords to target.

3. Identify keyword difficulty

Another important aspect to consider is keyword difficulty. This helps you understand how difficult it will be to rank for a particular keyword.

4. Consider search intent

When performing keyword research, it’s also important to consider search intent. This helps you understand what your target market is looking for when they search for a particular keyword.

5. Target long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are usually more specific and have less search volume. However, they can be easier to rank for and more relevant to your target market.

6. Prioritize your keywords

Once you’ve identified a list of potential keywords, you’ll need to prioritize them. This helps you focus your enterprise SEO strategy on the most important keywords.

How to publish a content strategy for enterprise SaaS SEO

Content is a critical part of any enterprise SaaS SEO strategy. This is because it helps you attract organic traffic to your website and improve your search engine rankings.

When publishing a content strategy for enterprise software, several important factors exist. Here are some tips on how to create a successful content strategy:

1. Identify your target market

The first step is to identify your target market. This includes understanding their needs, pain points, and how they search for solutions.

2. Understand your buyer’s journey

It’s also important to understand your buyer’s journey. This helps you create content that appeals to your target market at each stage of their journey.

3. Create buyer personas

Another important step is to create buyer personas. This helps you understand your target market and create content that appeals to them.

4. Identify keyword opportunities

When performing keyword research, it’s important to identify both short-tail and long-tail keywords. These can help you attract organic traffic to your website.

5. Prioritize your keywords

Once you’ve identified a list of potential keywords, you’ll need to prioritize them. This helps you focus your enterprise SEO strategy on the most important keywords.

6. Create compelling content

Content is key for any enterprise SaaS SEO strategy. This means creating compelling, relevant, and keyword-optimized content that appeals to your target market.

7. Promote your content

Once you’ve created your content, you need to promote it. This helps you attract organic traffic and improve your search engine rankings.

8. Analyze and optimize your content

Finally, you need to analyze and optimize your content. This helps you ensure that your content is effective and achieves your desired results.

These are just a few tips for creating a successful enterprise SaaS SEO content strategy. By following these tips, you can create compelling content that appeals to your target market and helps you improve your search engine rankings.

enterprise seo strategy

How to perform a site structure audit for enterprise SaaS SEO

When auditing your site’s structure for enterprise SaaS SEO, there are several important factors to consider. Here are some tips on how to perform a site structure audit:

1. Understand your site’s hierarchy

The first step is to understand your site’s hierarchy. This helps you identify the most important pages and how they’re interlinked.

2. Identify any orphan pages

Another important step is to identify any orphan pages. These are pages that aren’t linked to other pages on your site.

3. Check your internal linking

Internal linking is an important part of enterprise SaaS SEO. This helps search engines understand your site's hierarchy and index your pages properly.

4. Check your external linking

External links are also important for enterprise SaaS SEO. This helps you build links to your site and improve your search engine rankings.

5. Analyze your navigation

Your website’s navigation is also important for enterprise SaaS SEO. This helps users find the information they’re looking for and improves your website’s usability.

6. Check your URL structure

Your website’s URL structure is also important for enterprise SaaS SEO. This helps you ensure that search engines properly indexed and ranked your pages.

7. Evaluate your site’s speed

Another important factor to consider is your site’s speed. This helps you ensure that users can find the information they’re looking for quickly and easily.

8. Optimize your images

Images are also important for enterprise SaaS SEO. This helps you ensure that your images are properly optimized and don’t slow down your site.

9. Analyze your mobile-friendliness

Mobile-friendliness is also important for enterprise SaaS SEO. This helps you ensure that your site is accessible and easy to use on mobile devices.

10. Check your robots.txt file

Your robots.txt file is also important for enterprise SaaS SEO. This helps you control how search engines index your site.

These are just a few tips for auditing your site’s structure for enterprise SaaS SEO. Check simple components of the website, like the meta description and page title of every listing. Ask an SEO professional to help perform a site-wide audit to get an idea of where Google search rankings are getting interrupted.

enterprise saas seo

How to build external links for an enterprise SaaS company

Building external links is an important part of any enterprise SaaS SEO strategy. Here are some tips on how to build external links:

1. Guest blogging

Guest blogging is a great way to build external links. This involves writing blog posts for other websites in your industry.

2. Directory listings

Another great way to build external links is through directory listings. This involves listing your website in online directories.

3. Social media

Social media is also a great way to build external links. This involves promoting your content on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

4. Forum postings

Forum postings are another great way to build external links. This involves participating in online forums and adding links to your website in your signature.

5. Press releases

Press releases are also a great way to build external links. This involves writing and distributing press releases about your company.

6. Infographics

Infographics are also a great way to build external links. This involves creating and sharing infographics on your website and on other websites.

7. Guest interviews

Guest interviews are another great way to build external links. This involves being interviewed by other bloggers or journalists and linking back to your website.

8. Product reviews

Product reviews are also a great way to build external links. This involves writing reviews of your products on other websites.

Old tactics like asking to fix broken links and paying for placements won't work. Enterprise SaaS companies need a comprehensive way to build brand awareness outside of old link-building tactics.

Link building generally does not work as much as it could have in prior years. Major updates to Google have made it easier to rank for keywords using simple SEO optimization and providing new insights to your target audience.

You can easily access a list of websites that link to you through Google Search Console data. Simply login to your account and go to the "Links" portion of the dashboard.

Common questions

Questions from enterprise-level executed about enterprise SEO strategies:

Should I have thousands of web pages full of content to execute an SEO strategy properly?

The number of pages on your website will not directly impact your enterprise SEO efforts. However, having a sufficient amount of content on your site is important to rank well in search engines.

How can I improve my organic click-through rate?

There are a few things you can do to improve your organic click-through rate:

1. Write compelling meta descriptions

2. Use relevant keywords

3. Use attractive images

4. Use social media to promote your content

5. Use other marketing channels to promote your content

What is the average cost of an SEO team?

The average cost of an SEO team depends on the size of the team and the services they offer. Generally, the larger the team, the more expensive it will be.

SEO professionals will cost a fraction of the price of hiring a team. In addition, hiring an external team can help to ensure that they navigate the marketing team through the SEO landscape more effectively. Generally, they'll help with:

  • Creating an enterprise strategy.
  • Targeting keywords with higher search volume than your original strategy.
  • Executing SEO for SaaS (with an enterprise focus).
  • Tracking search results and rankings.
  • Building SEO initiatives that target your ideal customer profile. As a result, generating consistent revenue.
  • Performing a complete SEO audit on the enterprise business website.
  • Assist with content creation, publishing, distribution, and promotion.
  • Track the MQL/SQL journey from the website traffic through the sales funnel.

Are internal links impactful to a successful SEO strategy?

Internal links are important for a few reasons:

1. They help search engines understand the structure of your website.

2. They help search engines crawl your website more effectively.

3. They can help improve the ranking of your website for certain keywords.

4. They can help improve the usability of your website.

5. They can help increase the amount of time visitors spend on your website.

6. They can help reduce the bounce rate of your website.

7. They can help improve the conversion rate of your website.

8. They can help increase the number of pages viewed per visit.

9. They can help increase the number of repeat visitors to your website.

10. They can help increase the amount of traffic your website receives.

How many backlinks does my website need?

The number of backlinks your website needs depends on a few factors:

1. The quality of the backlinks.

2. The quantity of the backlinks.

3. The relevance of the backlinks.

4. The diversity of the backlinks.

How can I improve my website's speed?

There are a few things you can do to improve your website's speed:

1. Use a content delivery network (CDN).

2. Optimize your images.

3. Minimize your code.

4. Use a caching plugin.

5. Reduce the number of plugins you use.

6. Upgrade to a faster web host.

7. Use a faster DNS provider.

8. Implement AMP for your website.

9. Use a responsive design for your website.

10. Minimize redirects on your website.

Use the Google core web vitals report in the Google Search Console to get an idea of how your website is getting impacted by speed.

What is on-page SEO?

On-page SEO is the process of optimizing the individual pages on your website to rank higher in search engines. This includes things like:

1. Writing compelling titles and meta descriptions.

2. Using relevant keywords throughout your content.

3. Optimizing your images and other media.

4. Creating internal links to other pages on your website.

5. Creating external links to other websites.

6. Optimizing your website for speed.

7. Improving the usability of your website.

8. Creating compelling content that people will want to share.

9. Tracking your progress with Google Analytics and other tools.

10. Making sure your website is mobile-friendly.

Best Enterprise SaaS SEO Guide: Strategy, Tips, Execution (2023)

Written by Joshua Davis
VP of Platform

August 24, 2023

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