July 31, 2022

Top Landscape Marketing Strategies to Get Leads (2023 Guide)

What is landscape marketing? How can I get new customers for my landscaping business? What are the best tactics to get customers for a landscaping business?

If you have these questions and more, you will appreciate this landscape marketing guide in 2022.

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using google ads to drive landscaping leads

What is landscape marketing?

As a landscaping business, marketing your services is essential to acquiring new customers and growing your business. Landscape marketing involves creating and implementing marketing strategies and tactics specifically designed to reach individuals or businesses interested in landscaping services. Common landscape marketing methods include advertising (online and offline), direct mail, public relations, and networking.

Acquiring new customers is essential for any business, but it can be especially challenging for small businesses like landscaping companies. Effective marketing is critical to success with a limited budget and often competing against larger businesses.

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to market your landscaping business effectively and reach new customers.

example of landscaping reviews left on a google my business page

What are the most effective landscaping marketing strategies to use? (Landscape marketing ideas)

Here are the best lawn care marketing ideas to use:

1. Develop a Strong Brand

A strong brand is essential for any business, but it is especially important for small businesses trying to compete against larger companies. Your brand sets you apart from competitors and helps you build trust and credibility with potential customers.

When developing your brand, consider what makes your company unique and what you want potential customers to think of when they hear your name. You will also need to create a strong brand visual identity, including choosing a logo, color scheme, and font that represents your company well.

example of landscape marketing gone wrong

2. Invest in Advertising

Investing in advertising is one of the best ways to reach new customers and grow your landscaping business. There are several different types of advertising you can invest in, including online ads, print ads, and outdoor advertising.

When choosing which type of advertising to invest in, consider your target audience and where they are most likely to see your ads. You will also need to create a budget for your advertising campaign and track your results so you can determine whether or not your investment is paying off.

example of landscape marketing website gone wrong

3. Create a Strong Website

In today’s digital world, having a strong website is essential for any business, but it is especially important for businesses that rely on online traffic for success. Your website is often the first impression potential customers will have of your company, so it is important to ensure it is professional and represents your brand well.

Your website should be easy to navigate and include clear information about your services and pricing. You should also ensure your website is optimized for search engines so potential customers can easily find you when searching for landscaping services online.

4. Use Social Media

Social media is a powerful marketing tool that can be used to reach new customers and grow your business. When using social media for marketing, it is important to create engaging content that will interest your target audience and encourage them to follow your company.

You should also make sure you are active on a variety of different social media platforms so you can reach the largest number of potential customers. Additionally, you can use social media to run ads and promote special offers or discounts to attract new customers.

landscaping service google reviews

5. Get Involved in Local Events

Getting involved in local events is a great way to market your landscaping business and reach new customers. You can participate in several different types of events, such as home and garden shows, community festivals, and trade shows.

When choosing which events to participate in, consider your target audience and where they are most likely. You will also need to create a budget for your event participation and make sure you have enough staff on hand to represent your company well.

landscaping reviews on a google business page

6. Network with Other Businesses

Networking with other businesses is a great way to generate referrals and grow your customer base. When networking, building relationships with other business owners and professionals who work in related industries is important.

You can network with other businesses by attending industry events, joining trade organizations, or participating in Chamber of Commerce events. Additionally, you can offer to provide services to other businesses in your network as a way to build goodwill and generate referrals.

landscape marketing

7. Offer Discounts and Special Offers

Offering discounts and special offers is a great way to attract new customers and grow your business. When offering discounts, it is important to ensure you are still making a profit on your services.

You can promote discounts and special offers through your website, social media, or advertising. You can also offer discounts to customers who refer new business or purchase multiple services from you.

8. Use Referral Programs

Referral programs are a great way to generate word-of-mouth marketing for your business. When using referral programs, it is important to offer an incentive for customers to refer new businesses to you.

You can promote your referral program through your website, social media, or advertising. You can also offer discounts or special offers to customers who refer new business.

landscape marketing

9. Get Listed in Online Directories

Listed in online directories is a great way to increase your visibility and reach new customers. When getting listed in online directories, it is important to ensure you are listed in the correct category and that your listing is accurate.

You can get listed online by claiming your listing on popular directory websites or submitting your information to new directories. You can also use paid advertising to get your business listed at the top of search results on directory websites.

landscape marketing

10. Use Google AdWords

Google AdWords is a powerful marketing tool that can be used to reach new customers and grow your business. When using Google AdWords, it is important to create ads relevant to your target audience and containing keywords they are likely to search for.

You can use Google AdWords to run ads on Google search results pages and websites that are part of the Google Display Network. You can also use AdWords to target customers based on location, demographics, and interests.

11. Use Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising is a great way to reach new customers and grow your business. When using Facebook advertising, it is important to create relevant ads for your target audience and contain keywords they are likely to search for.

You can use Facebook advertising to target customers based on location, demographics, and interests. You can also use Facebook advertising to create lookalike audiences for your existing customers.

landscape marketing

12. Use Instagram Advertising

Instagram advertising is a great way to reach new customers and grow your business. When using Instagram advertising, it is important to create relevant ads for your target audience and contain keywords they are likely to search for.

You can use Instagram advertising to target customers based on their location, demographics, and interests. You can also use Instagram advertising to create lookalike audiences for your existing customers.

13. Use Twitter Advertising

Twitter advertising is a great way to reach new customers and grow your business. When using Twitter advertising, it is important to create relevant ads for your target audience and contain keywords they are likely to search for.

You can use Twitter advertising to target customers based on their location, demographics, and interests. You can also use Twitter advertising to create lookalike audiences for your existing customers.

landscape marketing

14. Use LinkedIn Advertising

LinkedIn advertising is a great way to reach new customers and grow your business. When using LinkedIn advertising, it is important to create relevant ads for your target audience and contain keywords they are likely to search for.

LinkedIn advertising can target customers based on location, job title, and company size. You can also use LinkedIn advertising to create lookalike audiences for your existing customers.

15. Use Pinterest Advertising

Pinterest advertising is a great way to reach new customers and grow your business. When using Pinterest advertising, it is important to create ads that are relevant to your target audience and contain keywords they are likely to search for.

You can use Pinterest advertising to target customers based on their location, demographics, and interests. You can also use Pinterest advertising to create lookalike audiences of your existing customers.

landscape marketing agency

16. Use Snapchat Advertising

Snapchat advertising is a great way to reach new customers and grow your business. When using Snapchat advertising, it is important to create relevant ads for your target audience and contain keywords they are likely to search for.

You can use Snapchat advertising to target customers based on location, demographics, and interests. You can also use Snapchat advertising to create lookalike audiences for your existing customers.

17. Use Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising is a great way to reach new customers and grow your business. When using programmatic advertising, it is important to create ads that are relevant to your target audience and contain keywords they are likely to search for.

You can use programmatic advertising to target customers based on their location, demographics, and interests. You can also use programmatic advertising to create lookalike audiences of your existing customers.

landscape marketing agency

18. Use Retargeting Advertising

Retargeting advertising is a great way to reach new customers and grow your business. When using retargeting advertising, it is important to create ads relevant to your target audience and containing keywords they are likely to search for.

You can use retargeting advertising to target customers who have visited your website or interacted with your brand on social media.

What should go into an effective landscape marketing strategy?

When creating a landscape marketing strategy, it is important to consider the following elements:

  • Your target market: Who are you trying to reach with your landscape marketing strategy?
  • Your budget: How much money do you have to spend on your landscape marketing strategy?
  • Your goals: What do you hope to achieve with your landscape marketing strategy?
  • Your timeline: How long do you have to implement your landscape marketing strategy?
  • Your resources: What resources are available to help you implement your landscape marketing strategy?

After considering all these elements, you can create your landscape marketing strategy.

Some things you may want to include in your strategy are:

  • Developing a landscape marketing plan: What goals do you want to achieve? Who is your target market? How much money do you have to spend?
  • Creating landscape marketing materials: What materials will you need to reach your target market?
  • Choosing landscape marketing channels: Which channels will you use to reach your target market?
  • Implementing your landscape marketing strategy: How will you implement your plan and make sure it is successful?
  • Evaluating your landscape marketing strategy: How will you know if your strategy is successful? What metrics will you use to measure success?

What are the mistakes to avoid when creating a landscape marketing strategy?

There are several mistakes that you should avoid when creating your landscape marketing strategy:

  • Not Defining Your Target Market: Knowing who you want to reach with your landscape marketing strategy is important. Otherwise, you will waste time and money reaching people not interested in your business.
  • Not Having a Budget: A landscape marketing strategy can be costly, so you need to ensure a budget before you start.
  • Not Defining Your Goals: Without goals, it will be difficult to measure the success of your landscape marketing strategy.
  • Not Knowing Your Resources: Ensure you are aware of all the resources available before you start implementing your strategy.
  • Not Measuring Your Success: How will you know if your landscape marketing strategy works if you don't measure its success? Make sure to set up a system to track your progress.
  • Not Making Adjustments: If something isn't working, don't be afraid to adjust your landscape marketing strategy. The key is to be flexible and adapt as needed.

What is a typical budget for landscape marketing?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the budget for landscape marketing will vary depending on the size and goals of your business.

However, a typical landscape marketing budget may be around 3-5% of your annual sales.

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List of traditional landscape marketing strategies

There are several traditional landscape marketing strategies that you can use to reach new customers and grow your business.

1. Advertising

2. Public relations

3. Direct mail

4. Trade shows

5. Telemarketing

6. Referral programs

7. Online marketing

8. Social media marketing

9. Content marketing

10. Search engine optimization (SEO)

List of digital landscape marketing strategies

There are several digital landscape marketing strategies that you can use to reach new customers and grow your business.

1. Search engine marketing (SEM)

2. Display advertising

3. Social media advertising

4. Email marketing

5. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising

6. Affiliate marketing

7. Influencer marketing

8. Content marketing

9. Lead generation

10. Retargeting

Digital landscape marketing strategies are more effective and efficient than traditional ones. They are also more cost-effective, as you can reach a larger audience with less money.

effective ways to market landscaping businesses online

When should I start my landscape marketing strategy?

The best time to start your landscape marketing strategy is now! The sooner you start, the sooner you will see results.

How often should I review my landscape marketing strategy?

You should review your landscape marketing strategy at least once a year to ensure it is still relevant and effective. You may need to adjust your strategy as your business grows and changes.

effective ways to grow a landscaping company during busy season

What are the benefits of landscape marketing?

There are several benefits of landscape marketing, including:

1. Increased brand awareness

2. More qualified leads

3. Greater customer loyalty

4. More sales and revenue

5. Improved search engine ranking

6. Better customer insights

7. Greater engagement with customers

8. More efficient marketing spend

9. Increased ROI

Do Google Ads work for landscaping services?

Google Ads can be an effective way to reach new customers for your landscaping business. You can target potential customers based on location, keywords, and other factors.

Do Facebook Ads or Instagram ads work for landscaping services?

Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads can effectively reach new customers for your landscaping business. You can target potential customers based on location, interests, and other factors.

grow a landscaping business online

How can I optimize my website to create more leads?

There are several things you can do to optimize your website for lead generation, including:

1. Creating compelling content

2. Adding a strong call-to-action (CTA)

3. Including a contact form (or lead capture form)

4. Optimizing your website for search engines

5. Creating a landing page

6. Adding an online chat feature

7. Offering a freebie or discount

8. Including customer testimonials or case studies

9. Making your website mobile-friendly

10. Creating an email capture form

When considering what to put on your website, be sure that you list all of the services that you provide. From tree trimming to lawn mowing and more.

In addition, be sure to list the service area of your business. This would include the cities, townships, or other property types you manage (for example, managing commercial properties and their services).

how to get more landscaping business leads

How can I create more brand awareness for my landscaping business?

There are several things you can do to create more brand awareness for your landscaping business, including:

1. Advertising

2. Creating compelling content

3. Sponsoring events or donating to charities

4. Participating in trade shows or conferences

5. Creating a social media presence

6. Hosting an open house or customer appreciation event

7. Offering freebies or discounts

8. Creating a referral program

9. Getting involved in the community

10. Creating a blog

These are effective ways to start to market a new or existing landscaping company to get more leads through the website or from digital marketing efforts.

marketing your landscaping business online

What are Google My Business pages?

Google My Business pages are free business listings that appear in Google Maps and Google Search. They include your business name, address, phone number, and hours of operation. You can also add photos, videos, and other information about your business.

Creating a Google My Business page is a great way to improve your visibility in search results and attract new customers.

How do I create a Google My Business page?

Creating a Google My Business page is easy and only takes a few minutes. You’ll need to have a Google account, and then you can go to https://www.google.com/business/ to get started.

How can I generate more reviews for my Google My Business page?

There are a few things you can do to generate more reviews for your Google My Business page, including:

1. Asking customers to leave a review

2. Creating a process for collecting reviews

3. Responding to negative reviews

4. Offering incentives for leaving a review

5. Using social media to promote positive reviews

6. Promoting your Google My Business page

7. Creating a video testimonial

8. Encouraging employees to ask for reviews

9. Asking customers to review your business on multiple platforms

10. Creating a review widget for your website

These are just a few ideas—there are many other ways you can generate reviews for your Google My Business page.

What is a good way to get more followers on my landscaping company’s Instagram account?

There are a few things you can do to get more followers on your landscaping company’s Instagram account, including:

1. Use relevant hashtags

2. Post high-quality photos and videos

3. Use Instagram Stories

4. Run an Instagram contest

5. Collaborate with other businesses or influencers

6. Pay for ads

7. Post frequently

8. Use relevant keywords in your bio

9. Promote your account on other social media platforms

10. Provide value to your followers

These are just a few ideas—there are many other ways to get more followers on Instagram.

How can I make my landscaping company website more visible in search results?

There are a few things you can do to make your website more visible in search results, including:

1. Optimize your website for local SEO

2. Submit your website to directories and search engines

3. Create compelling content

4. Use social media to promote your website

5. Use pay-per-click advertising

6. Use online directories

7. Optimize your website for local search

8. Get involved in the community

9. Host a webinar or podcast

10. Speak at conferences or events

How can I get more online reviews on Google or Yelp for my landscaping company?

There are a few things you can do to get more online reviews on Google or Yelp for your landscaping company, including:

1. Asking customers to leave a review

2. Creating a process for collecting reviews

3. Responding to negative reviews

4. Offering incentives for leaving a review

5. Using social media to promote positive reviews

6. Promoting your Google My Business page

7. Creating a video testimonial

8. Encouraging employees to ask for reviews

9. Asking customers to review your business on multiple platforms

10. Creating a review widget for your website

Ultimately, providing great service is the best way to get good reviews of your lawn care company. Customers who are happy with the level of service you provide from the point they contact you to the point where you collect money, is what is going to drive reviews.

What is a direct mail campaign?

A direct mail campaign is a marketing effort in which businesses send physical letters, postcards, or other items to their potential or current customers. The purpose of a direct mail campaign is usually to generate leads, promote sales, or increase brand awareness.

What are some tips for creating an effective direct mail campaign?

1. Start with a strong offer

2. Write a compelling headline

3. Use eye-catching images

4. Personalize your message

5. Create a sense of urgency

6. Use a call-to-action

7. Test, test, test!

8. Track your results

9. Make it easy to respond

10. Follow up!

How can my direct mail campaign and digital marketing efforts work together for my lawncare company?

There are a few things you can do to make your direct mail campaign and digital marketing efforts work together for your lawn care company, including:

1. Creating a landing page for your direct mail campaign

2. Using a QR code on your direct mail piece that takes recipients to a special offer or coupon

3. Incorporating a call-to-action in your direct mail piece that encourages recipients to visit your website or social media page

4. Measuring the results of your direct mail campaign and using that data to inform your digital marketing efforts

5. Offering a discount or incentive for those who sign up for your email list

6. Creating a social media contest that encourages people to share your direct mail piece

7. Asking customers to review your business on Google or Yelp

8. Paying for targeted ads that reach people who live in your service area

9. Creating a blog post or video about your direct mail campaign

10. Using tracking codes on your direct mail piece so you can see how many people visit your website or social media page as a result of your campaign.

Any direct mail campaign for a lawn care business aims to drive customers to the landscaping website. From there, attribution of the marketing campaign can take place.

The ideal situation is that the marketing campaign can track where the landscaping customers originated. And whether or not they purchased a lawn care service.

What are some tips for designing an effective direct mail piece?

1. Keep it simple

2. Use images and graphics

3. Use a strong headline

4. Use white space

5. Personalize your message

6. Use a call-to-action

7. Test, test, test!

Lawn care flyers can be an incredibly powerful way to connect with your local community. Lawn care postcards are easy to create and distribute in your service area or local market.

I'm a landscaping business owner; when should I hire a landscaping marketing agency?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the decision of when to hire a landscaping marketing agency will depend on many factors, including the size of your business, budget, marketing goals, and internal resources.

However, in general, it may be time to consider hiring an agency if you are finding it difficult to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing, if you do not see the results you want from your current marketing efforts, or if you simply do not have the time or resources to market your business effectively.

Hiring a marketing manager to execute your marketing tactics is not ideal. Rather, an agency familiar with driving local customers to turn into leads can be more effective.

Marketing tips for landscape business owners

Here are some top tips to encourage customers in your area:

1. Focus on your target market

2. Understand the customer journey

3. Invest in SEO

4. Create compelling content

5. Use effective calls to action

6. Promote your brand across multiple channels

7. Measure your results and adjust your strategy accordingly

Common FAQs

Questions and answers from landscaping service providers.

Is social media marketing an effective use of my time?

The answer to this question depends on your goals. Social media can effectively connect with potential and current customers, build brand awareness, and drive traffic to your website.

However, if you do not see results from your social media efforts, it may be time to consider other marketing channels.

What are some effective lead generation techniques?

Many effective lead generation techniques include content marketing, search engine optimization, SEO, content marketing, pay-per-click advertising, and social media marketing.

Your business's best lead generation strategy will depend on your target market and marketing goals.

How can I improve my website's conversion rate?

Many factors can influence your website's conversion rate, including the design of your website, the quality of your content, and your call to action.

Make sure to list your specific services, snow plow services, landscaping management of residential or commercial properties, or other maintenance you can provide for an outdoor space.

Should I try to manage my PPC campaign?

Managing a PPC campaign can take considerable time. And could draw you, the business owner, away from community events or working with your local chamber of commerce. It's best to hand off your digital marketing strategy to a company that can get you, potential clients while you manage the other aspects of the business.

What is the Google Maps local pack? And why is it so powerful?

The Google Maps local pack is a feature in Google search results that displays three local businesses. The businesses are chosen based on their proximity to the searcher and their rating and reviews. The local pack is incredibly powerful because it allows potential customers to quickly and easily find businesses they can trust in their area.

If you want your landscaping business featured in the local pack, invest in SEO and create a strong online presence. This includes showing you're a credible business through strong, comprehensive reviews.

Top Landscape Marketing Strategies to Get Leads (2023 Guide)

Written by Joshua Davis
VP of Platform

August 24, 2023

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